Sunday, February 15, 2009

On Discipline

Ok, now I really am on my little soapbox, but I have been thinking on this lately. I believe children are a wonderful gift from God, but also a great responsibility entrusted to us who require A LOT of time and energy. That said, the longer I have been a parent, the more I realize that you cannot be lazy and be a good parent. I see so many children who are terrors and it weighs heavy on me. I am sad for the children much more than I am sad for their parents. They are not going to be able to live life to its fullest if they are focused only on themselves. Discipline is not a way of controlling a child so parents can have an easier life, it is setting our precious gifts from God up for success in life. All of life is about serving others and when children are taught that they are the center of the universe and parents and others are there to serve them, they will be rudely awakened when they get older and enter the workforce, and it will be painful for them. I discipline because I love my daughter intensely. I want to set her up with truth and character. Cute little sins now turn into big ugly ones later and it is much easier for her to learn the lessons now. But my aim is not to change outward actions (that is just legalism). My aim is her heart. Sorry to get all preachy on you. This is what I woke up thinking about this morning.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

so appreciated reading this!! our ABF at Heritage is going through Chip Ingram's Effective Parenting series and I learned something new this week.

My children's number one responsibility in life is to "Learn Obedience!" It is the only command they are given in the bible.

Julie Wilson
(from back in the days at BBS)