Maybe its the fact that I am a mom now and we are thinking through what we want to communicate to Mali and forming family traditions, or maybe its the fact I am just becoming more aware of a world in need, but I have all of the sudden become a sort of Christmas Jesus Freak. Now don't get me wrong, I'm not out on the streets of Tampa clad in John 3:16 with a megaphone shouting to passer-byers to "repent." I'm just passionate about making Christmas about why it originally began in the first place: the birth of Jesus Christ "who came to save his people from their sins." (Matt. 1:21)
This is how God showed His love among us: He sent His one and only Son into the world that we might live through Him. I John 4:9 NIV
That said, I found this wonderful little DVD that tells the true Christmas story, so I plan on buying it for all the little ones in my life. Christmas is not about materialism, but about blessing someone's socks off! Last year, our pastor told us that the average family spends $1,000 on Christmas gifts each year (yikes, that's a lot for an average), so he challenged us to spend half of what we normally spend, save a fourth and give away the remaining fourth. So that is what our
church did and we sent thousands of dollars to build wells in Africa so the people there could have clean water to drink. That is what Christmas is all about.